Tegan, a blind lamb, was one of a group of five sheep who arrived in June 2020.
He was one of a group of sheep that were being grazed a lady’s land
In June 2020, five new sheep arrived at Fleecehaven. We had initially been contacted by a lady, Lesley, in May regarding a blind lamb that was causing her great concern. The lamb was part of a group of sheep that were being grazed by a farmer on her land. The lamb was constantly being left behind when the sheep moved, bleating pitifully and Lesley wondered if it may also have a hearing loss. The lambs were due to go to market at the end of June and Lesley could not bear to think of the fear, distress, and ultimate panic that this little lamb would face.
A recommendation on ‘Sheep as Pets’ led Lesley to Fleecehaven and she asked if we would be willing to take the lamb on. We felt that it would be better for the lamb if it could also come with its mother and, if possible, a second lamb so we suggested that Lesley try to negotiate with the farmer to secure their release. The farmer initially agreed to part with the ewe and her lamb and subsequently also agreed to release a second lamb as a companion for the first. Remarkably, when he selected a lamb at random, it too turned out to be blind! We could not bear the thought of this lamb being separated from its mum and so eventually it was agreed that both lambs and ewes should come to Fleecehaven. We then discovered that the second ewe had another lamb who we could not possibly leave behind to go to market, so our 2 + 2 quickly became 5!
All five quickly settled in to Fleecehaven and seemed fit and healthy. The ewes proved to be incredibly protective of their lambs and it is lovely to think that their strong maternal bond will, for once, be able to extend to the rest of their natural lives. Lesley named the ewes Mila and Molly and their blind lambs Tegan and Jodie respectively; the little sighted boy has subsequently been named Griff by one of our wonderful supporters, Sue.
You can find out more about Tegan and visit him at Fleecehaven by adopting him.